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Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act

Revera Home Page

Responsible Authority: President
Date of Original Policy: January 1, 2014
Recent Revision Date: October 22, 2020
Recent Review Date: March 31, 2022

Introduction and Statement of Commitment

The enactment of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) in 2005 fundamentally changed the approach to accessibility for people with disabilities by establishing accessibility standards that all organizations and businesses that operate in Ontario must adhere to. In this regard, organizations and businesses that provide goods and services in Ontario would be obligated to continually identify, remove and prevent barriers so that people with disabilities have more opportunities to participate in everyday life.

In 2008, the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service (CSS) became law. In 2011, the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) harmonized the Information and Communications, Employment and Transportation standards. The IASR requirements are to be phased in from 2011 to 2021, with specific compliance deadlines for various sections of the regulation.

In accordance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), Revera has created a multi-year accessibility plan which outlines the strategy that will be taken to remove and prevent barriers under this regulation. At the end of each year, Revera will revisit the plan to update the progress in meeting the various requirements of this regulation as stipulated in the multi-year plan.

Revera is committed to meeting the needs of individuals living with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting the requirements under the AODA. We are committed to providing equal treatment to people with disabilities with respect to services, programs, goods and facilities, in a manner that respects their dignity and independence.


Revera will implement and maintain policies governing how they will achieve accessibility through meeting its requirements in accordance with the AODA and the IASR.

Revera will continue to adhere to the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Policy, which is posted on the organization’s website.

These policies apply to all employees, students, volunteers and others who provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of the organization.

Unless otherwise noted, this multi-year plan applies to Revera’s Ontario locations.


In addition to our continued obligation under the CSS, Revera is required to meet accessibility obligations under the AODA and IASR according to the timetable specific for large organizations.

Revera will file an accessibility compliance report every three (3) years. The report will be available to the public and upon request in an accessible format.

The purpose of this policy is to outline Revera’s commitment to helping identify and remove barriers that impede a person’s ability to access our goods, services and facilities.


1.0 Integrated Accessibility Standards – Ontario Regulation 191/11

In accordance with the IASR, Revera has made the following accessibility commitments:

1.1 General Accessibility

Revera has developed a multi-year accessibility plan, which outlines the strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet its requirements under this Regulation.

The plan is available in a digitally accessible format on Revera’s intranet and is available in an alternate format upon request. Revera will review and update the multi-year plan in consultation with the various department leaders at least once every 5 years.

Revera ensures all employee groups, volunteers, persons who participate in the development of policies, and all other persons who provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of Revera receive training on the requirements of the accessibility standards and on the Ontario Human Rights Code, as it pertains to persons with disabilities.

The training that is provided shall be appropriate to the duties of the employees, volunteers and other persons.

2.0 Information and Communication

Revera will meet the communication needs of persons with disabilities and will provide information and communication materials in accessible formats or with communication supports upon request. 

If Revera determines that the information or communication is unconvertible, Revera shall provide to the person requesting the information or communication with an explanation as to why it is unconvertible, a summary of the unconvertible information or communication. 

For the purposes of this commitment and in accordance with this legislation, information and communications are unconvertible if:
it is not technically feasible to convert the information or communications; or
the technology to convert the information or communications is not readily available

Revera will ensure that the processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible and will provide accessible formats and communications supports upon request.

Revera has an accessible feedback process established in accordance with the ISAR.

Revera will provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports upon request for persons with disabilities, in a timely manner that takes into account the person’s accessibility needs due to disability, and at a cost that is no more than the regular charged to other persons.

Revera consults with the person making the request in determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.

Revera will ensure their internet and intranet websites and web content conform to the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A and increasing to Level AA, in accordance with the schedule set out in this section of the regulation. This includes all web-based applications and web content that are controlled directly or through a contractual relationship. 

Revera will provide education or training resources or materials in an accessible format that takes into account the accessibility needs due to a disability of the person upon request.

3.0 Employment

Revera is committed to ensuring that all employment practices are inclusive.

Revera will take the necessary steps to ensure the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities in its recruitment processes.

During the recruitment process Revera will notify job applicants, when they are individually selected to participate in an assessment or selection process that accommodations are available upon request in relation to the materials or processes to be used.

If a request for accommodation is made, the applicant will be consulted with in order to provide or arrange for the provision of a suitable accommodation in a manner that takes into account the applicant’s accessibility needs due to disability.

When making offers of employment to new employee, Revera will inform new employees of the company’s policy for accommodating employees with disabilities. This information will be made available in an accessible format or with communication supports upon request.

Revera will inform its employees of its policies used to support its employees with disabilities, including, but not limited to, the policy on the provision of job accommodations that take into account an employee’s accessibility needs due to disability.

Revera will ensure that all information and communication is available in accessible formats or with communication supports upon request. This includes information that is needed by an employee in order to perform their job and information that is generally available to all employees in the workplace.

Revera has a Return to Work Policy that outlines the steps that Revera takes to facilitate the return to work of employees who were absent because their disability required them to be away from work; and uses documented individual accommodation plans.

The individual accommodation plans may include if requested, any information regarding accessible formats and communication supports and individualized workplace emergency response information.

Revera will take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as individual accommodation plans when using performance management, career development and advancement and redeployment practices.

4.0 Built Environment

Revera will comply with the Built Environment Standards when undertaking new construction and redevelopment of public spaces.

Revera shall meet the requirements set out in sections 80.32 through 80.38 of the IASR when constructing new or redeveloping off-street parking facilities that it intends to maintain, the applicable off-street parking facilities.

Revera shall ensure that they meet the requirements as set out in Sections 80.1 through 80.5 and 80.23 through 80.31 of the IASR when constructing all applicable new or redeveloped paths of travel (e.g., external walkways) that are not regulated by the Ontario Building Code.

Revera shall establish procedures for preventative and emergency maintenance of the accessible elements in public spaces as required under the Accessibility Standards for the Built Environment. This will include temporary service disruptions when accessible elements under the IASR are not in working order.